We have helped thousands of travelers thrive with the antidote for Jet Lag.

The Uplift Travel without Jet Lag app solves this problem with a natural science based system guiding you to reset your body’s clock system to your new time zone.  Your body is amazing and it has has clocks in your brain, organs, and even cells. Uplift's Precision Nerve Stimulation of pressure points resets your body’s clock system and rhythms by shifting energy, nerve stimulation, and blood flow to your new time zone.

Three easy steps to reset.

1) Save your trip and the Uplift Algorithm will calculate your personal solution. 

2) Follow the videos to find the 2 pressure points.

3) Apply medium pressure to the two points for 2 minutes on both sides of your body.

You are reset and ready to go.

3 Steps For You To Travel Without Jet Lag

1) Download Uplift Jet Lag App. 

2) Onboard and Save Your Next Trip.

3) Use Uplift When You Land. 


Here is what you can expect based on interviews and data from Uplift users who have taken over 20,000 trips crossing 100,000+ time zones.

1. Sleep Better.

Stay asleep not lying awake in the middle of the night and then being exhausted the next day.

2. Recover Faster

Better sleep = faster recovery.  At least 50% faster with Uplift, based on user data. 

3. Perform Better

More productive for work, vacation, or sport. 

4. Live Better - Your path to a better life when you travel. 

Pro Cyclist Sam Brand

Sam Brand Team Novo Nordisk

Dr. Edy Greenblatt on Uplift

Over 300 Time Zones Crossed

Climbing Mt Fuji

California to Mt Fuji

Testimonial Jim

Trips to Ireland w Uplift

Testimonial Camilla

Trip to China Camilla

Testimonial Kim

Trips to Cambodia / Thailand

Bill Fischer in Qindao

Prof Bill in China

Maryland Classic Race

Hamish in Baltimore

Brittney to Greece

Nevada to Greece

Diana Travels LA to UK

LA to UK with Uplift

Dr. Charles Krebs cofounder of Uplift
Charles emerging from Decompression chamber after 10 days.
Book: A Revolutionary Way of Thinking by Dr. Charles Krebs
Book: Energetic Kinesiology: Principles and Practice by Dr. Charles Krebs

How a near tragic accident led to a new science of healing and Uplift.

A near tragic diving accident off the coast of Australia.  Even after 10 days in a decompression chamber on an oil rig Dr. Charles T. Krebs was paralyzed from the waist down and sent to a rehab hospital to live out his life in a wheelchair.  A heroic journey led Charles to walk again, and the why and how this happened led him to discover a new science of healing.

Later when Charles was traveling from Australia to Germany to teach neurology, he had a problem with Jet Lag, so he developed Uplift to solve the problem. 

The Uplift protocol resets your body's clock system to your new time which neutralizes the effects of Jet Lag aka Desynchronosis.  Charles wrote text books and scores of papers on the science behind these discoveries.  

- Keynote speaker and author of 4 books and over 50 published papers on kinesiology, acupressure, and neuroscience.

- Created the Life Enhancement Acupressure Protocol (LEAP) used by 500+ practitioners in 9 countries to treat Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and more. 

- Inductee into the Energetic Kinesiology Hall of Fame.

- Ph.D. in Biology & Physiology from Boston University.

Download Uplift - Travel without Jet Lag and get to sleep and stay asleep when you need to.

Reclaim your energy, health and performance in international travel.  Our guarantee, try it before you buy it with a 30 day free trial and then subscribe for only $24.95 per year or $4.95 per month for the best travel upgrade value on the planet. 


1) Sleep Better

2) Recover Faster.

3) Perform Better.

4) Live Better. 


Download Your Free Trial Now


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